Thursday, April 23, 2009

What Ho?!?

Is this a blog I see before me?

I'd better step around that. I don't know where its been. Or where its going.

Well, it's official. I haven't blogged for a while. I bet everyone thought I had spent all my words on rubbish like lollies or footy cards, but No! I have been saving them.

In fact, I've been saving them so well, that I decided I should probably use a few before they simply EXPLODEOUTOFTHEKEYBOARDUNDERTHEINCREDIBLE

There they go.


Let me just wait a minute.

Ok, all done.

Now, where was I?

Blogging. Ok, I've decided to start blogging again because of the aforementioned and because I simply haven't been writing for my own enjoyment enough lately. Writing is fun, even the way I do it. Also, I was thinking that I don't typically record all the events that happen in my life in any other form. Not that this format is entirely accurate, or even remotely accurate, but it serves as a reminder of my state of mind.

Now you are probably thinking why would I want a reminder of that but eventually it may be useful in establishing my deteriorating mental state should I ever need to plead temporary insanity down the track. Also, its fun.

What has happened in my life since the last time I wrote. Well lots of things but the most bestest of all is that Blogger now allows for Followers! Yay! I have followers! Well, follower but I hope to add more. Now before you dump me as a leader, please understand I take this responsibility very lightly and will try not to lead you or any of my flock astray. Unless its fun. So I urge everyone to become a follower and be prepared to be led astray.

I'm a little embarrassed. Apparently the term "follower" on blogger doesn't mean quite what I thought it meant. But that's up to you good people now, isn't it. I say good people, but I don't mean to discriminate, so please don't be offended if you don't fall into the "good people" category. Especially don't be offended if you fall into the "vengeful psychopath" category.

So what does the new blogging me have in store? Well, apart from more of the above tripe, I will be giving updates on Princess and Little Man, as well as DW, friends, family and pretty much anybody who wrongs me.

Stay tuned for tomorrow blog: Doritos!


Thought for the Day: Sometimes I can seem arrogant, which is fair.

1 comment:

Julie said...

Can't believe you made your wife sign up just so she could follow you. She spends most of her time wishing you'd leave the house (and take the kids with you.)

So, that makes me the OTF* right?

(One True Follower)

On account of, I'm following for fun, not becuase it was a secret clause in the marriage contract.

(I have forsaken blogging for twittering. It's all about the short sharp nasty sentences. I mean, it's me. Right?)