Thursday, April 13, 2006

On we go. Well, after a little bit of playing around with the settings and management tools I think I've got a pretty good idea how this whole thing works. I may be wrong. I'll just keep plodding along for now.

Tomorrow I am on holidays for 11 days and this is rather exciting for me. Part of the reason I started this blog was to get myself back into the habit of writing daily. I do enjoy writing but I find I need to have my head in the right place before I can really focus and I am easily overwhelmed by the external pressures in my life. The things I blame for keeping me from writing are not really to blame. They are normal functions of a normal person's life and they do allow for creative time. I just need to be a bit more forceful about taking that time. Creativity may not be something you can force but taking the time to look for inspiration is. Hence this blog. I intend to "force" myself to take the time each day to spend just ten or fifteen minutes writing about whatever inspires me at the time. If nothing springs quickly to mind, I may end up getting deep and meaningful about my small stack of business cards or the holographic picture sitting on my computer monitor or some other inanity and I do apologise now. Hopefully I can either find something interesting to challenge my mind or I can make the something interesting of the small stack of business cards.

Anyway, must do some more work as holidays start tomorrow.

Think positive thoughts - crap still happens but at least you can be upbeat about it.

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