Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Well, today is an auspicious day. Or not. It maybe for you. Anyway, today I launch my first Blog. I'd be very surprised if anything remotely interesting appears here for the first couple of days but I promise I'll say something interesting before, let's say the end of April. It's too much pressure trying to say anything interesting before Easter but I think I can realistically expect something to happen before May and I work best to deadlines. Just not tight deadlines. Ok, you are probably getting some idea of how I plan to write this blog. To start with, I'm just going to assume that someone is actually going to read it. If you are reading it, then I am right (just nod and smile - thanks). Then I'm just going to type whatever comes into my head until I find a better way of organizing my thoughts and producing something meaningful. Not that what's in my head isn't meaningful, just that it might seem a little random to unsuspecting passers-by. This may be you. Ok? Ok. Well, that will do for this little post but I'll try and get something more cohesive out later today when I know more about the site management and so on.

Asta La Vista, Maybe!
(still working on a good tagline)

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