Tuesday, May 16, 2006

I heard an interesting statistic that states males think about sex every seven seconds. I am puzzled by this because of two reasons. Firstly, how can this be measured and secondly, my own estimate is closer to ten seconds. Is there something wrong with me? Let's assume not. I am 34 and have two kids so that is probably slowing me down a little, and besides, the survey was probably of teenagers. Not that that makes any sense either because I don't remember there being a seven second gap. It occurs to me that maybe the respondents were asked to press a button or raise their hand whenever an appropriate thought popped into their head (or should that be "inappropriate"). In that case, averaged over a whole day, including sleep, it might be true.

This has made me wonder what I actually think about. Occasionally I wonder what Barak would do in my place. Barak is a fictional character in a novel I am writing. Because he is a warrior, he woud probably be sitting here staring at the computer with a bemused look on his face, unsure what to do next. That means he could probably do my job just fine. Of course, he would be wondering what this strange device was, where as I'm wondering why they won't pay me more.

I have concluded that my mind is largely like a desert. By this I don't mean full of sand but rather sand dunes. There is some water there and a little oasis and very nearby there is a large number of tents with lots of people with turbans and colourful clothes. And some camels and monkeys and lots of little stalls and people shouting and kids stealing apples. Its quite bizarre. Every so often there is a big sand storm and everybody puts a handkerchief over their faces, even the monkeys but not the camels. Further on is a large shipping port and a small city with an airport and weather balloons. And more people. And a University with a high performance computing department and a computer graphics specialist sitting at a computer, blogging.

That is exactly what my mind is like.


Second thought for the day: What is the opposite of "metaphor"?

1 comment:

Julie said...

I love that you wrote an entire blog justifying my oft thought and somewhat stated belief- "Bern's mind is a scary place".

If nothing else you saved *me* the trouble!

Clearly, I can now proceed with the second item on my TBBL*, namely the prevalence of Bourdanity in my life. And why this is not necessarily a bad, bad thing. (Despite everything you may have heard to the contrary.)


*To Be Blogged List